The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Vacuum for Your Home

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Vacuum for Your Home

A vacuum cleaner is essential for keeping a clean and healthy house. But with so many options, choosing the best vacuum can be daunting.

Your choices will come down to whether you want an upright or canister vacuum and a bagless model or one that uses bags.

What Type of Floors Do You Have?

There are many different types of vacuum cleaners — upright, canister, cordless, and robotic, to name a few — that all perform the same essential functions. But the one you choose depends on the surface and obstacles in your home.

For example, if you have lots of carpeting, you’ll want a vacuum that can easily remove dirt from deep piles. You’ll also want a vacuum with a long, easy-to-empty dust cup that doesn’t clog easily and has a high cleaning swath.

The most popular vacuum products Lansdale PA, are uprights, which typically have an enormous cleaning swath, are easy to store (most stand up on their own), and excel at removing dirt from carpet and hard floors. Some models have extra features like self-propelled motors that make it easier to move around furniture, telescoping wands for hard-to-reach areas, and brush rolls that automatically clear hair clogs.

How Much Dust Do You Need to Remove?

Dust is a combination of human skin cells, pet dander, fabric fibers, pollen, and more—and the dirt you track in from outside is one of the most significant contributors. It’s impossible to stop it from happening entirely. Still, you can reduce the dust in your home by regularly wiping down bookshelves and electronics (dust magnets), washing linens and curtains, and vacuuming carpeting, furniture, and mattresses.

It’s also a good idea to regularly wipe down walls, ceiling fans, and light fixtures and clean behind furniture and under beds. 

Are You Allergy-Sensitive?

The right vacuum cleaner can help control allergies. People sensitive to dust may find it easier to deal with if their vacuum cleaner has a HEPA filter, which traps small particulate matter and prevents it from being re-released into the air.

Additionally, some customers need a vacuum that has a pet hair attachment or a specific tool for cleaning pet fur that won’t go away. They may also consider whether they prefer a bagged or bagless model, which can save money on ongoing costs.

Once you’ve analyzed your home and its cleaning needs, it’s time to narrow down the options. 

How Much Space Do You Have?

The size of your home is another crucial factor in choosing a vacuum cleaner. Tiny homes require a lighter, more compact, more accessible maneuverable device. Larger houses, on the other hand, need a device that can reach every corner and under couch cushions without having to empty its dust cup mid-cleaning.

What Attachments Do You Need?

Many vacuums come with various attachments to handle different cleaning tasks. These include a motorized power nozzle for tackling carpeted stairs, a crevice tool for narrow spaces, and upholstery brushes that work on sofas and chairs. Some models can also dust shelves and furniture or turn into a wet/dry mop.

Some unique features help make a vacuum easier to use and maintain, such as large dust bins or bags, long power cords, extendable wands, and easy-to-empty dust cups. Other features improve performance, such as a powerful motor, surface detection, and HEPA filtration to capture dust, dirt, and allergens.
