How to Draw Tom and Jerry?

How to Draw Tom and Jerry?

Welcome to the world of Tom and Jerry – the mischievous cat and the clever mouse who have been entertaining generations with their endless cat-and-mouse chase. As they continue to capture our hearts with their hilarious antics, have you ever wondered how to bring these beloved characters to life through your own art? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, this guide will help you draw Tom and Jerry with ease, step-by-step. So grab your pencil and paper, and let’s get started on creating your very own cartoon masterpiece!

Drawing Tom

Sure! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to draw Tom:

  • Start by sketching a large circle for Tom’s head, and a smaller circle for his snout.
  • Draw two small circles for his eyes, and two slightly larger circles for his ears.
  • Draw a curved line for his nose, and two curved lines for his mouth.
  • Add in his whiskers by drawing short, curved lines on either side of his nose.
  • Sketch his body by drawing a long oval shape beneath his head.
  • Draw his arms and legs using long, curved lines.
  • Add in his paws and toes by drawing small, oval shapes at the end of each limb.
  • Sketch in his tail by drawing a long, curved line that tapers to a point.

Once you have the basic outline of Tom’s body, add in the details to make him look like the iconic cartoon character we all know and love. This includes his stripes, spots, and facial features like his eyebrows, pupils, and tongue. Finally, erase any unnecessary lines and add in shading to give Tom more depth and dimension.

And there you have it, your very own drawing of Tom! With a little practice, you’ll be able to draw him with ease and even add in your own unique spin on this beloved character.

How to Draw Tom and Jerry

Drawing Jerry

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to draw Jerry:

  • Start by drawing a large circle for Jerry’s head, and a smaller circle for his snout.
  • Draw two small circles for his eyes, and two slightly larger circles for his ears.
  • Add in his nose and mouth by drawing two small ovals and a curved line beneath them.
  • Draw his arms and legs using long, curved lines.
  • Add in his paws and toes by drawing small, oval shapes at the end of each limb.
  • Sketch in his body by drawing a small, rounded rectangle shape beneath his head.
  • Draw in his tail by sketching a long, thin, curved shape.

Once you have the basic outline of Jerry’s body, add in the details to make him look like the iconic cartoon character we all know and love. This includes his facial features like his pupils, eyebrows, and tongue, as well as his distinctive large ears and curved front teeth.

Draw in Jerry’s arms and legs by adding in the fingers and toes with small circles. Finally, erase any unnecessary lines and add in shading to give Jerry more depth and dimension.

And there you have it, your very own drawing of Jerry! With a little practice, you’ll be able to draw him with ease and even add in your own unique spin on this beloved character.

Putting Tom and Jerry Together

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to put Tom and Jerry together:

  • Decide on the pose or scene you want to draw Tom and Jerry in.
  • Sketch the basic outline of both Tom and Jerry in their respective positions in the scene.
  • Add in any necessary props or background details to enhance the scene.
  • Refine the details of both characters, making sure that they are consistent with their appearance and proportions.
  • Add in any additional shading or texture to both characters to make them look more three-dimensional and lifelike.
  • Finally, add color to bring your drawing to life! Use your preferred coloring medium, whether it’s colored pencils, markers, or digital software.

In conclusion

Drawing Tom and Jerry can be a fun and rewarding experience for artists of all levels. By following the steps outlined above, you can create your very own renditions of these beloved cartoon characters, either individually or together in various scenes. Remember to practice regularly, pay close attention to details, and have fun with the process. With a little patience and dedication, you can become a master at drawing Tom and Jerry and bring their playful personalities to life through your art. So grab your drawing supplies and let your creativity run wild! You can see more like this on the arts and culture section.

